Monday, September 30, 2019

How Can Leaders Motivate Staff In Order To Improve Productivity And Job Satisfaction?

How can leaders motivate staff in order to improve productivity and job satisfaction? The purpose of this essay is to highlight the use of management theories in relation to productivity and job satisfaction. This essay shall discuss how leaders can motivate employees in order to improve the overall productivity and job satisfaction. I will be looking at theories in relation to how they are categorised, also how different management theories can be implemented by a leader.The essay will analyse both the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that are relative to applicable management theories and from the analysis there will be a justification of methods the writer believes to be the most suitable for the leadership and motivation of employees. The ‘Classical Perspective’ was exercised by theorists such as Frederick Taylor and Henri Fayol who both incorporated aspects of the classical approach into their management theories.The approach has specific characteristics that make it simple to distinguish which theories can be associated; the general idea is that theorists using the classical approach viewed the employees as components of a production process rather than as individuals. The classical management style they applied to their theories ensured that the focus was entirely on an individual’s extrinsic needs such as; monetary incentives, level of working conditions, labour division and quantity.The theorists concentrated on aspects such as systematic analysis, remuneration, hierarchical structure and the use of autocratic leadership. 1 Frederick Taylor’s theory of Scientific Management suggests that a worker’s productivity will increase when given monetary incentives. Taylor believed that the employees would be motivated to produce more if paid for the completion of a task. Taylor measured and timed tasks in order to find an average completion time; if workers exceeded that they were to be paid extra.Roles were concise; managers to plan and train, and workers to perform. A leader of a manufacturing company could implement Taylor’s idea of a ‘piece-rate system’ with the intention of motivating the staff to improve productivity. Job satisfaction may potentially increase for some of the employees; specifically the individuals that have the correct skills to produce more as they will be receiving a higher salary.2 3 Henri Fayol’s theory of Classical Management was concerned with competence on an organisational level, Fayol devised 14 Principles of Management that he believed explained how managers should organise and communicate with employees. Fayol’s principles involved the use of discipline, autocratic leadership, teams having the same objective with one manager and one plan, the importance of group interests over individual interests, remuneration, hierarchical structure, good working conditions and stability of labour turnover.Using Fayol’s principles could help a lea der guarantee that workers are correctly organised whilst ensuring the workers are motivated to improve their productivity and job satisfaction. 4 5 The introduction of monetary incentives based upon work output (remuneration) could motivate employees to produce more whilst increasing their job satisfaction, as they would receiving higher pay. Delegating controlled freedom could improve the employee’s productivity and job satisfaction as they may feel they have more of an opportunity to contribute, potentially increasing their work output.Promoting team spirit and unity within a workplace may improve job satisfaction and productivity as working in a team allows all of the collective members to contribute complementary skills to the overall task and as a result the overall output and performance of each individual may increase; if work output and performance increases the individual’s self-esteem is likely to increase alongside job satisfaction.Ensuring stability of ten ure may motivate improvement of productivity and job satisfaction, if an employee feels their job is secure then they are likely to be happier in the role and are also likely to focus on the work more as they will be worrying and focusing less on potential redundancy or dismissal. 6 7 In addition to the Classical Perspective there’s also the Humanistic Perspective consisting of three subfields; Human Relations, Human Resources and Behaviour Sciences.Theorists such as Abraham Maslow and Elton Mayo integrated the Humanistic Approach into their management theories. There are specific factors that distinguish whether a theory uses the Humanistic Perspective; the humanistic approaches all emphasise the importance of understanding human behaviour, needs and attitude within the working environment. The Humanistic Perspective focuses on both extrinsic and intrinsic factors of an individual. The central idea is that the human needs are the conclusive factor to achieving efficiency wit hin an organisation.Elton Mayo’s association with the ‘Hawthorne Studies’ provided a stimulating effect to the understandings of the human factor at work. The focus within Elton Mayo’s studies was on the worker rather than the work; this was revolutionary as previous theorists had only concentrated on the labour. Elton Mayo initially carried out a study into physical working conditions and productivity but his results ended up being a series of studies into social factors.The results from Elton Mayo’s studies showed that the initial factors of analysis such as working conditions were not influencing the employee’s increase in productivity and motivation; it was the fact the workers were responding to being the centre of attention, a member of a team and feeling a sense of recognition. The findings showed that social relationships in the workplace were just as important as monetary incentives and good working conditions relating to the product ivity and job satisfaction of an employee.Elton Mayo’s studies were more factual than theoretical; the findings provided a clear representation of the importance of social factors at work. A leader could apply some of Mayo’s ideas into their management techniques in order to improve productivity and job satisfaction. If the workers are given recognition they are likely to feel more motivated to increase their productivity; a manager’s relationship and focus on the individuals will also provide them with the feeling of being centre of attention which is likely to increase their work output if they know they are being supervised.If a manager were to apply the action of team work into their organisation then the workers may feel a sense of unity; building good colleague relations may increase the employee’s job satisfaction. Working in a team allows all the individuals to contribute their complementary skills potentially resulting in overall better working p erformance; if working performance increases and the employees are given recognition they are likely to continue their hard work and also increase job satisfaction.Another essential theorist that used the Humanistic Approach within their management theory was Abraham Maslow. Maslow studied human motivation; his findings gave him the incentive to develop a hierarchical model relating to human needs. Maslow’s theory influenced the development of management in the 1950s/60s; the simplicity of the model and the idea of levelled needs made it a favourable approach to managers. Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ consists of five levels of needs (physiological, safety, belongingness and love, esteem and self-actualisation), it is organised in order of influence upon theindividual. The stronger needs (physiological and safety) are at the bottom of the hierarchy and the weaker needs (belongingness and love, esteem and self-actualisation) are at the top. 13 14 15 The the ory puts forth the idea that if an individual’s stronger needs are threatened then they cannot begin to fulfil the weaker needs. The theory suggests that if a category of needs is not met then the individual cannot proceed to fulfil the higher level needs, this is due to the unsatisfied needs being dominant.Maslow’s theory relates to motivation in regards to productivity and job satisfaction; an individual cannot be motivated to be productive if certain needs are threatened or not met. An individual may not be satisfied in their job if needs are threatened or not met, theoretically it is crucial for a manager to ensure a worker’s needs are met if they want them to increase their productivity. 16 17 18 The Hierarchy of needs provides useful framework for managers relating to the ways in which the employee’s motivation can be met.Although the systematic movement from the bottom to top of the hierarchy is not necessarily representative of all individuals the theory still provides an outline for managers to use when trying to motivate employees. If a manager ensures that the employee’s physiological, safety and belonging needs are met within the work place then the individual is likely to be motivated towards the esteem needs such as the desire for achievement, adequacy, mastery, competence, recognition, attention and glory.If the individual is motivated towards the esteem needs they are likely to increase their productivity as it is relevant to the desires of the category. If the individual esteem needs are being met then the individual is likely to feel a sense of job satisfaction as feelings such as glory, achievement and recognition provide positive emotion. If a manager regularly ensures the individual’s needs are being met and exceeded their motivation for productivity and job satisfaction will theoretically increase.In conclusion it is clear that both perspectives of management can be effective when increasing an em ployee’s productivity and job satisfaction. The classical approach can in theory increase an individual’s productivity and job satisfaction although the way in which the manager’s view the individuals as human machines potentially degrades the individuals and as a result their job satisfaction could decrease. The theories developed by Taylor and Fayol may only be applicable to specific job sectors such as factory work; if a manager applied the use of piece-rate and division of work it may not be relevant for use.The humanistic approach is likely to increase productivity and job satisfaction however the systematic movement in Maslow’s hierarchy does not necessarily apply to the diverse range of personalities of individuals. Mayo’s findings may also be biased due to the sector he researched; therefore they may not relate to productivity and job satisfaction in all fields. Overall if a manager were to combine the most relevant ideas from both humanist ic and classical theories they could then ensure their management style is applicable to the sector of work. How can leaders motivate staff in order to improve productivity and job satisfaction? How can leaders motivate staff in order to improve productivity and job satisfaction? The purpose of this essay is to highlight the use of management theories in relation to productivity and job satisfaction. This essay shall discuss how leaders can motivate employees in order to improve the overall productivity and job satisfaction. I will be looking at theories in relation to how they are categorised, also how different management theories can be implemented by a leader.The essay will analyse both the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that are relative to applicable management theories and from the analysis there will be a justification of methods the writer believes to be the most suitable for the leadership and motivation of employees. The ‘Classical Perspective’ was exercised by theorists such as Frederick Taylor and Henri Fayol who both incorporated aspects of the classical approach into their management theories.The approach has specific characteristics that make it simple to distinguish which theories can be associated; the general idea is that theorists using the classical approach viewed the employees as components of a production process rather than as individuals. The classical management style they applied to their theories ensured that the focus was entirely on an individual’s extrinsic needs such as; monetary incentives, level of working conditions, labour division and quantity.The theorists concentrated on aspects such as systematic analysis, remuneration, hierarchical structure and the use of autocratic leadership. 1 Frederick Taylor’s theory of Scientific Management suggests that a worker’s productivity will increase when given monetary incentives. Taylor believed that the employees would be motivated to produce more if paid for the completion of a task. Taylor measured and timed tasks in order to find an average completion time; if workers exceeded that they were to be paid extra.Roles were concise; managers to plan and train, and workers to perform. A leader of a manufacturing company could implement Taylor’s idea of a ‘piece-rate system’ with the intention of motivating the staff to improve productivity. Job satisfaction may potentially increase for some of the employees; specifically the individuals that have the correct skills to produce more as they will be receiving a higher salary.2 3 Henri Fayol’s theory of Classical Management was concerned with competence on an organisational level, Fayol devised 14 Principles of Management that he believed explained how managers should organise and communicate with employees. Fayol’s principles involved the use of discipline, autocratic leadership, teams having the same objective with one manager and one plan, the importance of group interests over individual interests, remuneration, hierarchical structure, good working conditions and stability of labour turnover.Using Fayol’s principles could help a lea der guarantee that workers are correctly organised whilst ensuring the workers are motivated to improve their productivity and job satisfaction. 4 5 The introduction of monetary incentives based upon work output (remuneration) could motivate employees to produce more whilst increasing their job satisfaction, as they would receiving higher pay. Delegating controlled freedom could improve the employee’s productivity and job satisfaction as they may feel they have more of an opportunity to contribute, potentially increasing their work output.Promoting team spirit and unity within a workplace may improve job satisfaction and productivity as working in a team allows all of the collective members to contribute complementary skills to the overall task and as a result the overall output and performance of each individual may increase; if work output and performance increases the individual’s self-esteem is likely to increase alongside job satisfaction.Ensuring stability of ten ure may motivate improvement of productivity and job satisfaction, if an employee feels their job is secure then they are likely to be happier in the role and are also likely to focus on the work more as they will be worrying and focusing less on potential redundancy or dismissal. 6 7 In addition to the Classical Perspective there’s also the Humanistic Perspective consisting of three subfields; Human Relations, Human Resources and Behaviour Sciences.Theorists such as Abraham Maslow and Elton Mayo integrated the Humanistic Approach into their management theories. There are specific factors that distinguish whether a theory uses the Humanistic Perspective; the humanistic approaches all emphasise the importance of understanding human behaviour, needs and attitude within the working environment. The Humanistic Perspective focuses on both extrinsic and intrinsic factors of an individual. The central idea is that the human needs are the conclusive factor to achieving efficiency wit hin an organisation.Elton Mayo’s association with the ‘Hawthorne Studies’ provided a stimulating effect to the understandings of the human factor at work. The focus within Elton Mayo’s studies was on the worker rather than the work; this was revolutionary as previous theorists had only concentrated on the labour. Elton Mayo initially carried out a study into physical working conditions and productivity but his results ended up being a series of studies into social factors.The results from Elton Mayo’s studies showed that the initial factors of analysis such as working conditions were not influencing the employee’s increase in productivity and motivation; it was the fact the workers were responding to being the centre of attention, a member of a team and feeling a sense of recognition. The findings showed that social relationships in the workplace were just as important as monetary incentives and good working conditions relating to the product ivity and job satisfaction of an employee.Elton Mayo’s studies were more factual than theoretical; the findings provided a clear representation of the importance of social factors at work. A leader could apply some of Mayo’s ideas into their management techniques in order to improve productivity and job satisfaction. If the workers are given recognition they are likely to feel more motivated to increase their productivity; a manager’s relationship and focus on the individuals will also provide them with the feeling of being centre of attention which is likely to increase their work output if they know they are being supervised.If a manager were to apply the action of team work into their organisation then the workers may feel a sense of unity; building good colleague relations may increase the employee’s job satisfaction. Working in a team allows all the individuals to contribute their complementary skills potentially resulting in overall better working p erformance; if working performance increases and the employees are given recognition they are likely to continue their hard work and also increase job satisfaction.Another essential theorist that used the Humanistic Approach within their management theory was Abraham Maslow. Maslow studied human motivation; his findings gave him the incentive to develop a hierarchical model relating to human needs. Maslow’s theory influenced the development of management in the 1950s/60s; the simplicity of the model and the idea of levelled needs made it a favourable approach to managers. Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ consists of five levels of needs (physiological, safety, belongingness and love, esteem and self-actualisation), it is organised in order of influence upon theindividual. The stronger needs (physiological and safety) are at the bottom of the hierarchy and the weaker needs (belongingness and love, esteem and self-actualisation) are at the top. 13 14 15 The the ory puts forth the idea that if an individual’s stronger needs are threatened then they cannot begin to fulfil the weaker needs. The theory suggests that if a category of needs is not met then the individual cannot proceed to fulfil the higher level needs, this is due to the unsatisfied needs being dominant.Maslow’s theory relates to motivation in regards to productivity and job satisfaction; an individual cannot be motivated to be productive if certain needs are threatened or not met. An individual may not be satisfied in their job if needs are threatened or not met, theoretically it is crucial for a manager to ensure a worker’s needs are met if they want them to increase their productivity. 16 17 18 The Hierarchy of needs provides useful framework for managers relating to the ways in which the employee’s motivation can be met.Although the systematic movement from the bottom to top of the hierarchy is not necessarily representative of all individuals the theory still provides an outline for managers to use when trying to motivate employees. If a manager ensures that the employee’s physiological, safety and belonging needs are met within the work place then the individual is likely to be motivated towards the esteem needs such as the desire for achievement, adequacy, mastery, competence, recognition, attention and glory.If the individual is motivated towards the esteem needs they are likely to increase their productivity as it is relevant to the desires of the category. If the individual esteem needs are being met then the individual is likely to feel a sense of job satisfaction as feelings such as glory, achievement and recognition provide positive emotion. If a manager regularly ensures the individual’s needs are being met and exceeded their motivation for productivity and job satisfaction will theoretically increase.19 20 21 In conclusion it is clear that both perspectives of management can be effective when increas ing an employee’s productivity and job satisfaction. The classical approach can in theory increase an individual’s productivity and job satisfaction although the way in which the manager’s view the individuals as human machines potentially degrades the individuals and as a result their job satisfaction could decrease. The theories developed by Taylor and Fayol may only be applicable to specific job sectors such as factory work; if a manager applied the use of piece-rate and division of work it may not be relevant for use.The humanistic approach is likely to increase productivity and job satisfaction however the systematic movement in Maslow’s hierarchy does not necessarily apply to the diverse range of personalities of individuals. Mayo’s findings may also be biased due to the sector he researched; therefore they may not relate to productivity and job satisfaction in all fields. Overall if a manager were to combine the most relevant ideas from both humanistic and classical theories they could then ensure their management style is applicable to the sector of work.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Food Waste Reduction in the Factory

3. 0Food Waste Reduction in the Factory It is obvious that dealing with food waste reduction in factory is simply just reducing the creation of food production in factory. Of course, this is some kind of irrelevant ways to prevent the production of food waste in industry without using any of an smart engineering method to actually reduce it without reducing the creation of food production in factory. At the same time, the profits that the factory made would not have occurs any reduction if an applicable food waste reduction techniques is applied.Thus, sources and products can be saved from waste which concurrently will also save from the consumption of time, money and workload in the factory (Creedon, 2010). Therefore, a necessary food technology engineering method should be applied to the reduction of food waste in factory. First of all, before the factory actually thinking of reduces the food waste of the food created in the factory, they should first know and to determine the char acteristics of every particular biscuits produced in Khong Guan.After the characteristics of every particular biscuits has been determined, then they need to monitored either hand-operated or non-hand-operated machine to detect the most acceptable range for the characteristic of every type of biscuits. The most vital characteristic of the biscuit that they should have been concerned on is the moisture content. The moisture content plays an important roles since its ensures that biscuits are generally free from microbiological spoilage and have a long shelf life if they are protected from absorbing moisture from damp surroundings or atmosphere.Biscuits have relatively high energy density compared with other baked goods. The biscuit produced in Khong Guan has a moisture content of about 1 to 5%, if it exceeded than that, it can be considered spoiled and be thrown away as food waste (Baked info). Technically, we cannot produce a good and perfect quality of the biscuit constantly in a d ay without have any unwanted or abnormal biscuit produced throughout the process. An abnormal biscuit is biscuit that is produced from the factory that did not meet the ranges and requirements of the quality or characteristic of the biscuit production.Hence, it is also called as unwanted since they do not want to have any irregular features of the biscuit production for the community. In this case, they use the most common engineering way of reducing the food waste by opt to recycle in order to save food waste, money and time in the factory. Another technique they use to recycle the food waste is by using the excess/extra dough after the molding has press on the dough sheet to make the rectangle shape of the biscuit and the extra one they recycled back to mix it with the fresh dough again.This procedures repeat itself on every dough has made after the molding process in order to get the used flour and reuse it for the fresh one. This way is not only save the food waste created from the process, but also save more cost on buying more flour for the fresh dough production (Answer TM, 2009). The other common cases happened such as, the over flour created, abnormal shape of the biscuit, extra moisture content of the biscuit or the cream as we have mentioned before at above, and etc.All of these matters they have put in more awareness so that the biscuit production produce more constantly good products by using recycling method. Since recycling is apparently the easiest way to reduce the food waste produced in factory (Brokerage, 2012). Thus an engineering thought has been made that, since they cannot produce a 100% good quality of biscuit constantly throughout the biscuit process production, but they are able to actually reduce the food waste creation by opt to recycle the unwanted or abnormal biscuit to repeat the same process to obtain a better quality of the biscuit products.There are other methods they use to reduce the food waste in factory which they use the cold chain and packaging method where they store the food into the so called refrigerator to ensure the characteristic of biscuit requirements are maintained in ranges. The transportation of temperature sensitive biscuits sometimes requires an in-depth knowledge of the cold chain: a poorly controlled step can result in the loss of a biscuit or a biscuit that becomes toxic.Moreover, lack of knowledge about the cold chain or about the rules applicable to the use of packaging can result in lost biscuits. Thus, this method is able to cut food waste and create good security of the biscuit. Other than that, the methods of reducing the food waste of biscuit in factory also affected by the workers themselves in the factory. Of course, people nowadays in a modern era started using more advanced technologies to produce products in any factory. Otherness in Khong Guan, most of the process was operated by human’s hand to produce some particular types of biscuits.Hence, this is an importa nt procedure that needs to be operated thoroughly in order to avoid human’s error. Otherwise, the characteristic of the biscuit produced does not meet its requirement and this will cause a major destruction of the biscuit products that will eventually lead to food waste. The other method such as improving a quality control and process monitoring rigorously of the biscuit also can be made in Khong Guan factory. Steps can be taken to ensure that the number of reject batches is kept to a minimum.This is achieved by increasing the frequency of inspection and the number of points of inspection. For example, install particular automated continuous monitoring equipment can help to identify production problems at an early stage. This step can reduce the product waste at early stage and avoids any complication before the process moves to the mid-stage of process. Another common methods can be used in any food processing factory is to obtain a good designs of a silo as the raw material storage. Why this is important?Well, as we already covered an essential part of particle technology that so much related to the food technology, we need to find what is the best condition to design a silo that used to store raw material before it proceeds to the processing part. Otherwise, like I said, the design of the silo is not at the specific range in terms of angle of repose or the sizes, it will create an arc shape which blocked the material to flow through. Eventually, the hopper storage will get clogged and lead to food or material waste.Hence a better design of the silo/hopper for any particular raw material needs to be aware as well. References â€Å"Waste minimisation. † Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 13 April. 2013. â€Å"Angle of repose. † Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 13 April. 2013. Answer TM. (2009). Retrieved April 12, 2013, from What is the moisture content of biscuits? : http://wiki. an swers. om/Q/What_is_the_moisture_content_of_biscuits Biscuits. (n. d. ). Retrieved April 13, 2013, from Bake Info: http://www. bakeinfo. co. nz/Facts/Biscuit-making Brokerage. (2012). Why Recycle Food Waste? Retrieved from ECO Food REcycling LTD: http://www. ecofoodrecycling. co. uk/services-products/why-recycle-food-waste/ Creedon, M. (2010, July 15). Less Food Waste More Profit. Retrieved April 13, 2013, from http://www. carlow. ie/SiteCollectionDocuments/All%20Services/Environment/Business%20Waste/less-food-waste-and-more-profit. pdf

Saturday, September 28, 2019

BHS 328 - Team Building (Mod 3 SLP) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

BHS 328 - Team Building (Mod 3 SLP) - Essay Example Goal setting is the most important component of Personal improvement literature. To be most successful goals that are being set should be realistic, tangible, specific, and have a time target for achievement. There should be sensible plans to attain an intended goal. One drawback of goal setting is that implicit knowledge may be subdued and inhibited. This is due to the fact that goal setting may support simple targets and focus on a result without openness to examination, understanding or expansion. Goals offer a sense of track and principle. Locke et al studied the behavioral effects of goal setting in great depth and concluded that 90% of laboratory and field studies linking explicit and challenging goals resulted in higher performance than simple or no goals. Some managers would believe it is adequate to push the employees to do their best, but in reality it is a very different scenario. A goal is thereby of critical importance because it facilitates an individual in focusing the ir efforts in a particular direction. Managers can not be regularly able to force motivation and keep trail of an employee’s work on an incessant basis. Goals are hence a very important tool for managers since they have the ability to act as a self-regulatory and self-checking mechanism that acquires an employee a positive quantity of assistance Strategic planning is basically an organizations procedure of specifying its strategy, or target, and making decisions on allocating its resources to track this strategy, including its capital and people. Strategic planning is essential to run a business successfully I would surely implement Strategic Planning as it would not only improve the overall employee performance and the motivation level but also boost up the productivity of my team. It is also very correct that strategic planning may be handy for effectively plotting the course of a company;

Friday, September 27, 2019

Personal Responsibility in College Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Personal Responsibility in College Life - Essay Example Personal responsibility refers to the sense of realizing, recognizing, accepting and fulfilling the responsibilities for one's individual acts, thoughts, behaviours and responses. Personal responsibility is to comply with the obligations and personal duties that are expected from a person while living in a particular society and environment. When an individual has the sense of understanding his responsibilities and duties he can set the directions for his actions because he becomes aware of the potential consequences and effects of his acts upon his personality as well as the people and surrounding environment. When people gain complete understanding and awareness of their responsibilities and obligations they are able to make the right and informed decisions and choices about their life. They could follow the ideas and plans for their personal improvement because they know their boundaries and potential. It makes people realize their importance and role behind the completion and suc cess of certain tasks and, thus, also motivates them to play their part and make positive contributions towards the fulfilment for certain jobs (Brown, 2009). For me, personal responsibility means a lot because it is all due to personal responsibilities realization that I have gained something in my life as a student and as a member of the society. It is something that keeps me aware about the commitments with myself and the society and also motivates to seek the better ways for the attainment of my goals, career plans and social obligations. During the initial years of my life, I was directed by my parents to differentiate between right and wrong. However, as I grow my sense of taking personal responsibility also grew and gradually I turned into a responsible member of the family, educational institution and the society. I believe that all the successes of an individual are mainly contributed by his sense of recognizing and complying with the personal responsibilities. Hence, what I am today is mainly due to my behaviours, my words, my actions and my thoughts and it would never be possible for me to keep all these elements in single and right direction without giving awareness about my personal responsibilities. It implies that personal responsibility encourages people to build their personalities, career, social status and family life. Personal responsibility guides people during each phase of the life to make sensible and constructive decisions (Susan et al, 2009). Relationship between Personal Responsibility and College Education Personal responsibility appears to be an important issue when it comes to college education. The awareness of personal responsibility distinguishes a mature adult from a child and enables him/her to act as a fully functional human being. Personal responsibility compliments success and achievement because it motivates a person to accomplish the things that he/she wants in life. This motivation plays an important role during the col lege education. The teachers and instructors perform their duties by educating the students. Without realization of personal responsibilities one could not do well at any educational institutes because there are certain things that the students have to learn at their own. The management of time and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Business ethics and social responsibility Assignment

Business ethics and social responsibility - Assignment Example This report will deal with the business ethics and social responsibility within Jameson Company. Jameston Company is a company that manufactures and sells drugs. It majors on selling drugs used to cure a range of disorders. These disorders include depressions, erectile dysfunctions and other deficit disorders. This company claims to value business ethics and social responsibility. This is not the case because there are many ethical issues that have risen in this company since it was established in 1957. Some of the business ethical issues include health and safety issue, gender discrimination issue, sexual harassment and marketing issues. This report will emphasize on this business ethical this issue issues in the Jameston Company and the possible solutions to these problems. Ethical issues 1. Health and safety issue There are many ethical issues that have risen in Jameston Company. These issues are caused by the individuals who are working on this company. One of the issues is the h ealth and safety issue. This appears to be a very dangerous issue and must be looked at seriously. This issue is caused by the senior management level who neglects the dangers of the antidepressant drug, â€Å"Trizon†, which is marketed by the company. This drug has been considered as the safest drug to be used as an antidepressant. Is has been believed as the best drug for depression. There are hidden facts about this drug. There are many researches that have conducted on this drug and the results show that, it is very dangerous to human health. The research h shows that Trizon increases the cases of suicide attempts on the patients who use it. This drug has been known to cause a lot of problems to both patients that use them and their surrounding environment. The company knows the dangers of this drug but they still market it. This issue can be ethical to the company since they want to market the product but are unethical to the other parties that are affected by the produc t (Painter-Morland & Werhane, 2008). Jameston Company’s supervisor, Mr. Stanton, is aware of the health and safety issues that the Trizon poses to the users. Dr. Sara Doyle tells him about the results from the research that was conducted. She tells him about the dangers of the drugs on the users but his only concern is the existence of the company. He wants the company to continue making profits by selling Trizon. Dr. Sara is aware of the risks and she wants the risks to be avoided. On the other hand, Mr. Stanton neglects the dangers of the drugs because he wants the company to exist. Mr. Stanton actions are wrong. This is because, every drug that is produced should be able support the lives of the users. It should not harm their health. Initially, the drug is believed to treat depression. The expectations that people have on Trizon is to treat depression and other disorders. The outcome is unexpected. The drug has led to increased suicide attempts by the users. Mr. Stanton i s aware of these dangers but he is concerned with company existence and profits. He is concerned with the business needs only. Mr. Stanton’s decision is unethical on one hand and ethical on the other hand. His decision can be considered unethical based on the normative theory of utilitarianism. This theory states that, an action is right if it causes less pain on the people being acted upon (Moon, 2001). Therefore, Mr. Stanton’

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

International manegment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

International manegment - Essay Example Silverlight Electronics in Korea has a different business operation approach from Cobalt. The two companies operate in different business and cultural environments. Therefore, negotiation has to address the conflict situation between the two companies. Secondly, the two companies have their potential power in business, which must be respected for a negotiation to be realized. Finally, the concept of options was addressed in the negotiation. Both companies have business options that may be utilized. Actually, I present new and better business options to Silverlight electronics by presenting my proposals to them. I have learned a lot from this negotiation. The most important learning is that all options in a negotiation have to be exhausted. By understanding the needs and expectations of the other company, I can present better business options to them and therefore, arrive at a negotiation more quickly. I will use this concept in my future negotiation with people and businesses

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

This I Believe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

This I Believe - Essay Example The managers of the organization must cultivate proper understanding of the science of ergonomics. (Placement of proper men at the proper jobs) Efforts for individual perfection will lead to societal prosperity. Ongoing assessment and remedial measure are necessary for an organization to remain at the top and win the appreciation. When it is necessary to change, the organizational culture must change in keeping with the requirements of time, but when it is not necessary to change, it is necessary not to change. For short terms gains, long term vision of the organization must never be sacrificed. Enhance the merits of the culture, without causing damage to the soul of the organization. This I Believe! This I put into practice! Richard S. Gallagher argues, â€Å"In an organizational setting, the meaning of culture extends to the core beliefs, behaviors, and actions behind its daily business life†¦its values are unspoken, but they exert a powerful influence on the behavior of thos e who choose to be part of that organization.†(4) My organization attaches great importance to ethical and socio-spiritual values that are beneficial for the humankind. The communication received on that misty Monday of the winter stunned us. â€Å"Yours is one of the five organizations shortlisted for the grant. Our Senior Vice-President will visit your Head Office this Friday. He will conduct the final interview and ask you four questions. The duration of the interview is ten minutes and any one nominee from the list of your Managing Committee Members will appear for the interview. â€Å"Incredible! The fate of one time grant of $80,000 will be decided within ten minutes! That too on the basis of 4 questions! An urgent meeting of the 8 Managing Committee Members is convened the same evening and discussion on the startling communication begins. We work for the cause reformation and rehabilitation of the visually challenged persons, and education for the slum children. We ar e in this field for the last two decades. Education to the slum children is free; they are also provided books and clothing, mid-day meals, transportation from their residence to school etc. As for the visually challenged, cottage industry units like manufacturing candle, biscuits etc. have been established and they are given salary as per the government norms. The profits earned are ploughed back to create more employment opportunities for the visually challenged. Not one of the 200 persons doing service on the administrative side, and the teaching staff are compensated monetarily. All of them work on honorary basis, with a mission and not for commission! After prolonged discussion, the onus of facing the interview falls to my lot. I begin preparations for the interview with right earnest and study the past history of the organization from the day of its inception when it is managed by just 4 volunteers. I go through the balance sheets, year-wise achievements, the salient features of the present structures, etc. I do an extensive study of the problems of the visually challenged, their international significance, role of the United Nations Agencies, statistics related to important countries, outstanding achievements of some of the visually challenged, the issues related to slum children etc. My level of preparations in those four days is that of a candidate appearing for the highest Civil Service Examination! My organization must get this grant! How will I face the other Managing Committee Members if we fail to get this grant! †¦..and Friday arrives! Sharp at 9.45 a.m. Mr. James Patterson, the Vice-President of Charity Select Organization arrives with his Secretary. We escort him to the Conference Room of the two-story structure, which is our Head Office. I welcome him with a

Monday, September 23, 2019

Sales Management project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sales Management project - Essay Example For sales managers it is a very difficult task to select the people who will turn out to be great at what they do. Over the years a lot of scholarly work and research has been conducted about the recruitment processes that will ensure person-job fit at the managerial levels but very little attention has been paid on emphasizing and devising a proper strategy that ensures that the right people are hired on a sales force. According to Cravens et al (1997) one of the main marketing expenditures in the business-to-business marketplace is the field sales force and even then, little is done to make absolutely sure that the right people are hired on sales forces. According to Rich and Smith (2000) â€Å"The greater the skill used in evaluating potential salespeople, the more effective will be the hiring process; effectiveness being measured by lower turnover and greater productivity over an extended period of time†. Most organizations pay little or no attention on a standardized recruitment procedure that ensures that the right sales people are selected for the jobs even though most researches show that higher sales are generated by salespeople who are motivated and well-suited for their job. For organizations whose work centers around retailing of products and services, their sales force plays the most important of tasks of determining its success. Fort a better, more well-matched person to be inducted into a company’s sales force, it has been observed that a better recruitment process is necessary. According to Pitt and Ramasheshan (1995),â€Å"In the sales force recruitment process in most organizations, the organization’s requirements are typically positioned as the primary consideration†. Which generally means that more emphasize is laid on generalizing the demands of the organization so as to attract a larger number of people to apply for the jobs.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

English 101 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

English 101 - Coursework Example ther side, the critics strongly raise their voice to mark the nuclear power as extremely dangerous and a declining energy source because of decreasing proportion of its production. They point to the problem of storing radioactive waste that has a high risk for severe radioactive contamination and the possibility of nuclear proliferation. So it is certainly a critical debate. We can see these rhetorical effects of the positive and negative attitude towards nuclear power. Although nuclear power plants have a past record of safety and efficiency with discharging no green house gases in the atmosphere, the question is why the number of plants in U.S.A has been declined in the past few years and the percentage of electricity from nuclear power is not as high as that of other countries like Japan, France. It is said that the industry has been declined because of fierce emotional resistance to this unreliable technology that has a great potential of accidental deadly radiation. Is it merely an emotional matter to protest against this serious matter? The fact is why it would be unreliable technology when it has efficiency, sustainability and safety of operation. So it can be said that it is the misuse of this technology which can be turned in to the global threat. The most funny thing is that still there is no initiative to invent the new technology to dispose the plants’ radioactive waste. So although it is not producing green house gases but its unmannered waste is seriously dangerous for public health and safety.At last it is also mentioned that the vice president Dick Cheney emphasized on building new nuclear power plants, but it is not a fun to build new nuclear power plants in a short

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Strategy Analysis of Toyota Essay Example for Free

Strategy Analysis of Toyota Essay Toyota Motor Corporation is a famous Japanese multinational corporation, and is considered the world’s second largest automaker of automobiles, trucks, buses, robots, and providing financial services ( 2007). Its founder is Kiichiro Toyoda, born in 1894, and the son of Sakichi Toyoda, who became popular as the inventor of the automatic loom. Kiichiro inherited the spirit of research and creation from his father, and devoted his entire life to the manufacture of cars. After many years of hard work, Kiichiro finally succeeded in his completion of the A1 prototype vehicle in 1935, which marked the beginning of the history of the Toyota Motor Corporation ( 2007). The first Type A Engine produced in 1934 was used in the first Model A1 passenger car in May 1935 and the G1 truck in August 1935, and led to the production of the Model AA passenger car in 1936. In addition to being famous with its cars, it still participates in the textile business and makes automatic looms that are now fully computerised, and electric sewing machines that are available in different parts of the world. It has several factories around the world, which serve to manufacture and assemble vehicles for local markets. The corporation’s factories are located in countries such as the United States, Australia, Canada, Poland, France, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Turkey, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico, Japan, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Mexico, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines. Despite the many locations of its factories, its headquarters is located in Toyota, Aichi, Japan (2007). It invests a great deal of time and effort in its research into cleaner-burning vehicles, such as promoting a Hybrid Synergy Drive and running a Hydrogen fuel cell in its vehicles (2007). It has significant market shares in developed countries, such as the United States, Europe, Africa and Australia, and has significant markets in South East Asian countries. Its brands include the Scion, its division in the United States, Guam and Puerto Rico, and the Lexus, which is Toyota’s luxury vehicle brand ( 2007). Aside from producing cars and other types of automobiles, such as SUVs and coasters, Toyota also, participate in rallying or racing. The company’s presence in Motorsport can be traced to the early 1970s, when Ove  Andersson, a Swedish driver, drove for Toyota during the RAC Rally in Great Britain, and in succeeding years, Toyota Team Europe was formed ( 2007). Up to the present, Toyota cars are still being used in a variety of racing events in different countries around the world. These events include the CART in Vancouver, the Le Mans, the Indy Racing League, the NASCAR, and the Toyota F1 Series (2007). As the leader in the industry of automobile manufacture and production, the company adopts a philosophy in terms of its production system, which is named The Toyota Way. The company’s philosophy in production involves a list of fourteen principles that are implemented in the company, and serve as guides to the operation of the company. This includes the following principles: * Base the company’s management decisions on a long-term philosophy, even at the expense of short-term goals; * Foster a continuous process flow to sight problems; * Utilise â€Å"pull† systems to prevent over-production; * Level out the workload of the workforce; * Build a culture that stops to fix problems, in order to get quality perfect at the first try; * Standardised tasks are the company’s foundation for its continuous improvement and the development of the employees; * Use visual control to let problems surface; * Use reliable and tested technology, which serves both the people and the company’s processes; * Train leaders who understand the company’s work, live its philosophies, and share it to others; * Train and develop a workforce who follow the company’s philosophy; * Respect the work and responsibilities of partners and suppliers by challenging them and helping them improve; * Actually immersing one’s self to understand the situation; * Slow but sure decision-making through consensus, through considering a variety of options, and to implement decisions effectively and efficiently; and, * Becoming a learning business organisation through expression and continuous improvement ( 2007) With these principles, the company is guided in terms of its operations and production. Through these principles and philosophies, it can become efficient and effective in manufacturing its products, keeping in mind the  welfare of its employees, the image and brand of the company, and the satisfaction of its employees. 2. MACRO ENVIRONTMENT ANALYSIS Suggested model PESTEL model (showed how the environment affect the industry we chosen) reference: Currently, Toyota faces a need for accelerated investment, in order to deploy the new technologies, for pressing geo-political, economic, environmental and societal reasons. 3.1. Political Observers will see a continuing progression in the ruinous steps which have forced the industry into a socio-politico-economic corner. Whether this is related to flat demand or to the company’s creation of an ever-wider range of vehicles that many buyers seem to care little about, there is a problem. The company is likewise linked closely to the policies of governments, the earnings of banks. Little wonder then that so many emerging countries are keen to develop an auto sector or that there is such a political pressure to protect it in the developed countries. Toyota Company is currently dominated by little more than a handful of firms, each wielding colossal financial, emotional and political power. The company’s approach to dealing with political institutions has not always been brilliant. It tends to be good on technical issues, although it has not always fully presented the longer-term options, in order to make the choices and their implications clear. 3.2. Economic al For much of the developed world, and increasingly for the developing world, Toyota Company is a pillar company in auto mobile business, a flag of economic progress. Without Toyota Company in automotive industry, it is impossible to develop an efficient steel business, a plastic industry or a glass sector – other central foundations of economic progress. The Toyota Company has been a core company, a unique economic phenomenon, which has dominated the twentieth century (2007). However, the automobile industry including the Toyota Company now suffers from a series of structural schisms and has become riddled with contradictions and economic discontinuities. For the capital markets and the finance sector, it has lost a lot of its significance, as a result of ever declining profits and stagnant sales. The  proliferation of products means that it has become hopelessly wasteful of economic resources. While all these and more sound like a very gloomy assessment of such a vast economic phenomenon, the industry is not in the end despondent. A different future is possible for the industry, a highly desirable one. 3.3. Social As part of the development in automotive industry, the Toyota Company actually affects the society as a whole. It employs millions of people directly, tens of millions indirectly. Its products have transformed society, bringing undreamed-of levels of mobility, changing the ways people live and work (2007). The social value of the additional mobility that this industry brings involves the value of the people being able to commute over longer distances easily, among many others. For most of its existence the Toyota Company has been a model of social discipline and control and it is not just that the auto sector offers a ‘pillar’ of something else. There are, on the other hand, particular social issues to address in many developing countries, often those that are the result of an undertone of religious faith. Toyota company has the role to play in helping develop the mobility of such countries and it can be achieved at an acceptable social cost of the country is prepared to learn the necessary lessons from those who have traveled this route before it, and to make the necessary investments. 3.4. Technological The Toyota Company works on a scale so awesome and has an influence so vast that it is often difficult to see. The level and diversity of technologies that it must deploy are increasing, which imposes both new investment burdens and new uncertainties and risks (2007). Roughly a million new cars and trucks are built around the world each week – they are easily the most complex products of their kind to be mass-produced in such volumes. The industry uses manufacturing technology that is the cutting edge of science. But still, the potential for developing coordination skills, intellectual capabilities and emotional sensitivities through electronic technologies remain far from fully exploited. There are numerous additional near-term technological opportunities to adapt the company to changing energy availability. The possibilities suggest that automotive technology is  unexpectedly robust and provides a powerful defence against energy starvation even if the real price of oil climbs steadily during the next couple of decades. 3.5. Environmental Other than the vehicles themselves, and the roads and fuel needed to run them; the business is intricately tied to the manufacture of a wide range of components and the extraction of precious raw materials. Indirectly, it brings people road congestion, too many fatalities and a wave of other environmental troubles. The effect to the Toyota Company is that they needed to establish RD centres to take advantage of research infrastructure and human capital, so that they can develop vehicle products locally to satisfy the requirements of the environmental and safety regulations more effectively.

Friday, September 20, 2019

impact of Poverty on Health

impact of Poverty on Health 1 Health Access to Nursing Health Assignment 2 Kirsty Lincoln Tutor Lis Footsoy This should be in the report format! Please follow Assignment Brief instructions carefully! According to Ogden (1996), there are many factors that impact on the health of individuals within society, some are more common than others such as poverty, unemployment, lifestyle and residential areas. Alongside these are medical factors, religion and differing beliefs in medicine and health. According to Ogden (1996) although these are all different areas to take into consideration they are all interlinked to one another and it is often thought that if an individual has any one of the above chances are they will have some degree of each one impacting on their general health and wellbeing. [LF1]Naidoo and Wills (2000) claim that there are many determinants also known as health inequalities, which can all be broken down into categories such as social, environmental, lifestyle and physiological factors, it can be suggested that social factors have a major impact on health and the way individuals live generally associating health with social class, lower working classes are seen to lead unhealthier lifestyles due to poverty or lack of employment which in effect will lead to poor housing and living in higher crime rate areas and less access to health services and very little means of leisure activity which will then result in poor nutrition as not many individuals in the lower classes can afford healthy food and 10 fresh fruit and vegetables a day which is needed to maintain a good level of health, this could also include high consumptions of alcohol and cigarettes. Naidoo and wills (2000) explains how all this then leads to physiological factors that impact on health like stress and depression, high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity which then ends up costing the National Health service thousands and thousands of pounds each year. It can be suggested that this is just a vicious cycle and until poverty and unemployment levels decrease, society as a whole will continue to consume money in the NHS. The graphs above shows the unemployment rates in the united kingdom compared to other countries, it is suggested that although it is not at the higher end of the scale there is still a high number of unemployment which has a major impact on the National Health service and the united kingdom’s economy which will in turn effect the overall health of the general public through poverty. It is clear to see from this brief overview how all the determinants are interlinked and how each one individually affects health and wellbeing. Ogden (1996) states that what is clear is that ill health does not happen by chance or through bad luck, in order to maintain health, society as a whole should promote it. The Lalorde report published in 1974 helped identify four fields of health that can be improved these are: Genetics and biological factors which determine an individual’s disposition to disease, lifestyles factors in which health behaviours contribute to illness, environmental factors like housing or pollution and the health services provided. If an area has a poor health service than it is more likely that death rates are higher through disease and health will be effected. These show that factors other than genetic and biological all affect an individual’s health but it is possible to change it. Naidoo and w[LF2]ills (2000) explains that unemployment and low income is a major determinant of living standards and when studying levels of income and material deprivation through unemployment it has been found that it can tie in with ill health and premature mortality. The graph above shows the different ages and class groups of the working environment it shows the level of deaths are a lot higher in those who work in manual hard labour which is very hands on and demanding in comparison to those of other intermediate and higher professional backgrounds paying in higher wages than other lower class jobs. According to the Rowntree report in 1990, 24% of the population had an income of below the national average after allowing for housing costs (Rowntree foundation 1995), people most likely to be in this category are the unemployed, pensioners, lone parents and the low paid. Blackburn suggests that there are three ways in which low income and unemployment can affect health, Physiologically inadequate housing, lack of warmth, lack of food, psychological – stress lack of support network and behavioural – health damaging behaviours like excessive smoking, drinking alcohol, sweets for children instead of healthy foods, living in poverty can affect anyone and without the means to provide a healthy lifestyle many are forced to live unhealthy lifestyles to make ends meet, it is not a choice. According to Ogden (1996) one of the main challenges the National Health Service (NHS) has to deal with is the constant usage of money, as healthcare costs thousands each year and regions with poor housing and less deprived areas spend more due to leading unhealthy lifestyles, an issue with this is that those people who are unemployed who live in these poorer communities pay nothing into the system yet can still access healthcare with the same rights as people employed who do pay into the system and pay taxes, so people who are unemployed can claim benefits, healthcare should be free and accessible to everyone although there will come a time when there is no financial funding left to pay for healthcare, there have been suggestions of placing a charge for every time the individual visits the doctor or attends Accident and Emergency on a Friday night when they have been found too intoxicated to function. This in turn will promote a healthier living although it can be seen as discrimina tion as individuals in poverty or unemployment still will not have the means to pay for the healthcare visits resulting in poor health and diseases increasing, having a detrimental effect on the health and wellbeing within society. The graph above shows how the National Health Service funding has increased over the last 7 years reaching a high of just over  £105,000 in the years 2012 to 2013. As Naidoo and wills (2000) explains there are some factors that impact health that we cannot change for example: ethnicity, different race and ethnic backgrounds can determine an individual’s health for example: individuals with darker skin have a higher protection from diseases of the skin, caused by sunlight such as skin cancer and individuals with lighter more pale skin can burn easily and be allergic to the sun, this can tie into the environmental factors that affect health. Although in order to fit in to society in modern day it can be seen that there is a lot more pressure placed on young girls and women who feel the need to be perfect due to the mass media resulting in a rise in the use of tanning beds in order to gain a tan and darkening of the skin, this heightens the chance of skin cancer and other skin diseases. The graph below shows that in 2010, among men, white men had the highest rate of getting melanoma of the skin, followed by American Indian/Alaska Native, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, and black men. Among women, white women had the highest rate of getting melanoma of the skin, followed by Hispanic, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, and black women. Melanoma of the Skin Incidence Rates* by Race/Ethnicity and Sex, U.S., 1999–2010 It can be suggested that along with this, studies have found to show that younger people particularly are at risk using a tanning bed as people who start using sunbeds before the age of 35 are 87% more likely to develop Melanoma compared to people with darker skin from different ethnic groups or those who never use sun beds. [LF3] It can also be said that on the other hand certain ethnic groups are more prone to specific diseases, darker skin is especially prone to sickle cell disease, and individuals who are prone to certain diseases can use the National Health Service at their discretion depending on their beliefs surrounding medicine. Although in some countries like America, certain ethnic groups do not believe in the health care system American Indians believe disease is an act of nature and should be allowed to follow its course. It can also be said that in third world countries medicine and healthcare is not easily accessible as there is little funding to provide the adequate care. It can also be suggested that some regions with less sunlight can also affect health due to causing psychological factors like stress and Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD) which is a disorder affected by seasons which in turn causes higher suicide rates in winter colder months in comparison to summer months. It is possible that all things in society affect health and although looking at this from a Marxist point of view unemployment and poverty are a root cause to most health issues. Marxists believe that everyone should be equal and that poverty helps maintain the domination of the Bourgeoisie (upper class) it serves the interest of the wealthy, although other sociologists disagree and argue that individuals are to blame for their own poverty or as groups they develop a culture of poverty. Marxists believe poverty is rooted to the structure of society rather than a specific individual therefore if an individual lives in a deprived area they are more likely going to adapt to the ways of that community leading to ill health through poor lifestyles. [LF4] Along with Karl Marx another sociologist Charles Murray (1989) [LF5]stated that poverty is caused by the lower class in the sense that the lower class do not want to work or find employment, he blames illegitimacy for this state of poverty in 1979 Britain had an illegitimacy rate of 10.6% but by 1988 this had risen to 25.6% he claimed that illegitimate children are more likely to come from women of the lower class and that they run wild due to the lack of a father figure and in effect he held them responsible for rising crime, property crime and violent crime. This in turn damaging communities making the residential area deprived with little amenities and also made people withdraw into themselves causing all kinds of illnesses mainly psychological. A critic of this is that there is no evidence to prove his conclusions and there are no significant differences between the lower class and the employed in their attitudes towards work and it can be seen that mothers with husbands/fathers spend more time claiming benefits than single mothers. Naidoo and wills (2000) suggests that the Marxist approach to poverty and unemployment ties in with the social scientists perspective on medicine, as they argue that medicine is closely linked to power and is still a powerful means of social control, as without medicine health would deteriorate and society would lack structure. [LF6] There are many medical models that look at the determinants of health. The behaviour change model aims to encourage individuals to adapt healthy behaviours which are seen as the key to improve health and wellbeing. It can be argued as this model does not reflect the understanding of poverty the approach is popular as it views health as a property of individuals, making it possible to assume that people can change their behaviours to make improvements to their health. It also states that individuals who do not care for themselves are to blame for the consequences of ill health. When looking at poverty and unemployment and this approach it is impossible to change behaviours and lifestyles for improved health when they are outside the individuals control, there has to be some amount of flexibility to be able to make changes, individuals living in poverty and who are unemployed know that changing bad lifestyles is not always as easy as it may seem. The above shows how the Behaviour change model works. On the other hand a health model that can be tied in with poverty is the Social change model the main aim of this approach is to enable people to gain control of their lives, it enables people to gain skills and confidence, and empowerment is also used as a way to describe a way of working which increases peoples power to change their social reality, an example of this in communities there are self-help groups and community based development like setting goals and community based development such as meeting in order to meet specific needs like clean-up programmes and such, this would help individuals in poverty and unemployment gain confidence to learn new skills in order to find a job which in turn would improve their health or even help individuals with depression or stress by meeting new people going through the same thing. [LF7] The picture above shows the different stages of the social change model. This approach also attempts to bring changes in the physical, social and economic environment this includes things like bans in public places for example smoking, which in turn will decrease or attempt to decrease smoking levels in more deprived areas which could result in saving money and starting the long road out of poverty. It can also be suggested that it could reduce air pollution as if the area of residence has high air pollution then this carries a more detrimental issue on health in regards to individuals who are medically unwell or have illnesses such as asthma or emphysema. Air pollution is a major environmental risk to health. By reducing air pollution levels, countries can reduce the burden of disease from stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, and both chronic and acute respiratory diseases, including asthma. The lower the levels of air pollution, the better the cardiovascular and respiratory health of the population will be, both long- and short-term. The WHO Air quality guidelines provide an assessment of health effects of air pollution and thresholds for health-harmful pollution levels. Ambient (outdoor air pollution) in both cities and rural areas was estimated to cause 3.7 million premature deaths worldwide in 2012. [LF8] Some 88% of those premature deaths occurred in low- and middle-income countries, and the greatest number in the WHO Western Pacific and South-East Asia regions. Policies and investments supporting cleaner transport, energy-efficient housing, power generation, industry and better municipal waste management would reduce key sources of urban outdoor air pollution. Reducing outdoor emissions from household coal and biomass energy systems, agricultural waste incineration, forest fires and certain agro-forestry activities (e.g. charcoal production) would reduce key rural and peri-urban air pollution sources in developing regions. Reducing outdoor air pollution also reduces emissions of CO2 and short-lived climate pollutants such as black carbon particles and methane, thus contributing to the near- and long-term mitigation of climate change. In addition to outdoor air pollution, indoor smoke is a serious health risk for some 3 billion people who cook and heat their homes with biomass fuels and coal (WHO, 2014) Very good discussion with clear evaluation of theories and models. Conclusion In conclusion, it can be seen that poverty is the main cause to ill health within society, regardless of age, ethnicity, religion, social class. It all comes down to poverty, as without the means to live a healthy lifestyle, individuals cannot change behaviours and attitudes towards healthier living. Poverty can cause disease and illness and affect general health through stress. Psychologically becoming depressed over money worries, poor living conditions and lack of nutrition or too much junk food and alcohol can cause obesity, diabetes and liver damage. If the area is industrial or run down an individual has more change[LF9] of developing lung disease and breathing difficulties. Poverty is a term which is defined as very wide spread and there are millions of implications to health and what living in poverty can cause. A very good report which discusses models, theories, concepts and issues well. To further improve: Make sure you ‘un-pick’ a concept thoroughly in order to give a greater level of evaluation. Take care with referencing – you need to review this practise (study skills handout and/or Cite Them Right) Make sure the sections of your report are clearly defined by way of section headings. Table of References Butterfield, W.J.H. (1968) ‘priorities in medicine’. London: Nuffield Naidoo, J. Wills, J. (2000) ‘Health promotion’ (2nd edition) London: Bailliere Tindal Ogden, J. (1996) ‘Health psychology’ Buckingham: University press Katz, J., Peberdy, A. (1997) ‘Promoting health, knowledge and practise’ Basingstoke: Open University press. World Health Organisation. (2014) ‘Ambient air quality and health’ [online] Available at:> [Accessed 5th May 2014] Very good sources. Kirsty Lincoln [LF1]If this were an essay this would be allowed therefore this should have been a Report! Also I can’t identify where your Introduction ends and Discussion of Findings starts etc. [LF2]Capital Letter [LF3]It is important here to point out that you are basing this upon US statistics. [LF4]Source? [LF5]Source? [LF6]Good points made and evaluated here. [LF7]Very good discussion of models however where are you getting your information from [LF8]Sources [LF9]‘chance’

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Economics of the Automobile Industry Essay -- Vehicle Car Economy

A vehicle is one of the biggest purchases a person will ever make. Over the years, the prices of an automobile have increased due to the rise of inflation. Due to a price index, the price of an automobile changes over a certain period of time. Economists compare averages of automobiles to calculate the cost of each vehicle that presents itself on a car lot. When all of the above is calculated within the purchase of an automobile, it affects every area of making the automobile to selling the automobile. All of these factors are impacted together for the automobile industry as a whole. In the automobile industry, there are factors that cause a shift in the supply and price elasticity of the supply and demand. These factors can cause the supply demand to reduce or raise the demand for the automobiles. One factor to consider is if the price of steel rises. Automobile manufacturers will then produce fewer automobiles at all different price levels and the supply curve will then shift. Another factor to consider is if automobile workers decide to go on strike for higher wages. The company will be forced to pay more for labor to build the same number of automobiles. The supply of these automobiles will decrease. Lastly, another factor that can curve a shift in the supply curve could be if the government imposes a new tax on car manufacturers. In all of those cases, the supply curve will move because the quantity supplied is lower at all price levels. As the supply curve moves in the automobile industry, the equilibrium price and quantity sold will change with this shift. When the automobile manufacturers see this shift in supply, they will then raise their prices and the quantity sold will fall. Car manufacturers will also develop... ...asticity of Demand. Retrieved December 3, 2011, from Mason, P. (1998, June). Race, cognitive ability, and wage. Retrieved January 14, 2012, from O'Sullivan, A., & Sheffrin, S. (2005). Economics. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Spatz, J., & Nennenkamp, P. (2002, January). Globalization of the automotive industry-traditional locations under pressure. Retrieved January 14, 2012, from The Social Studies Help Center (n.d.). Monetary and Fiscal Policy. Retrieved November 5, 2011, from Whitehead, J. (2006, May 8). Price elasticity of demand. Retrieved December 3, 2011, from

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Future of Freedom Essay -- essays research papers fc

History The Future of Freedom   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In his book, The Future of Freedom, Fareed Zakaria writes that we must make democracy safe for the world. The American democracy sets the standard around the world for liberal democracies, but transitions across for other countries across the world toward a liberal democracy is often difficult and with poor decision making, close to impossible. Liberal democracies are the systems in which people choose their government and live in an environment of freedom. In Zakaria’s book, he warns the readers of several telltale signs that their process toward a liberal democracy is in trouble. He uses examples of different countries doing it right and doing it wrong- the ones discussed in this essay will be Russia and China.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After the communist collapse in Russia, Zakaria writes that Russia concentrated too much on a quick fix. The leaders wanted to mimic the American democracy an instituted â€Å"free and fair elections,† but they forgot about establishing a stable economy. Robert Kaplan writes in his essay, â€Å"Was Democracy Just a Moment?† that countries need to establish a stable economic system before they try to institute a political system or else that political system will fail. Specifically, Kaplan thinks that there should be a strong and large middle class in the nation before it leaders think democracy will work. Kaplan was not the only intellectual to say this; Aristotle believed that a strong middle class bred a strong society. The idea about this is that democracy cannot work if the majority of a country is poor and starving while a small minority has all the money. The poor will be too preoccupied with trying to survive than maintaining the government. R ussia relied too much on its natural resources instead of trying to build a functioning economy (Zakaria, 92). Zakaria writes, â€Å"Russia’s fundamental problem is not that it is a poor country struggling to modernize, but rather that it is a rich country struggling to modernize† (92). By making the mistake of first fixing the political system before the economy, and then mismanaging its resources, Russia’s political system fell prey to corruption. Zakaria writes, â€Å"Yeltsin did little to build institutions in Russia. In fact he weakened almost all competing centers of power-the legislature, the courts, regional governors† (93). ... ...e his blessing for open economic markets (Zakaria, 83). That leads us to the present time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With examples like Singapore, China hopes to maintain its current situation. Zakaria writes, â€Å"Their role model is former prime minister Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore. Lee achieved the dream of every strongmen: to modernize the economy, even the society, of his country, but not the politics† (85). Ironically, Zakaria feels Chinese officials should return to the teachings of Karl Marx for help. He writes, â€Å"Marx understood that when a country modernizes its economy, embraces capitalism, and creates a bourgeoisie, the political system will change to reflect that transformation† (Zakaria, 87). Zakaria holds hope that the leaders will come around and accept the inevitability of China eventually becoming a liberal democracy. All of those involved, realize that that process will be a long and strenuous one because hardly any leader ever gives up his power willingly. Works Cited Kaplan, Robert D. â€Å"Was Democracy Just a Moment?† The Atlantic Monthly. Boston: December, 1997. Zakaria, Fareed. The Future of Freedom. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.: New York, 2004.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How did the cold war effect Australia Essay

The Cold War originally referred to a struggle or a conflict that had not escalated into fighting and military conflict, that is, had not escalated into a hot war. Between 1945 and 1991, the United States and the Soviet Union saw each other as potential enemies, threatening each other’s larger global economic, political, and military goals. The Cold War thus was global competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to shape and control the post-World War II global economic and political order. Throughout the Cold War, the United States saw the Soviet Union and communism as the greatest threat and challenge to its global leadership and dominance of an emerging global economy and industrial society. The United States was determined to limit the military and political expansion of Soviet power in order to prevent it from challenging American global economic and political dominance. In 1945 and 1946, there were increasing debates within the United States government over how to deal with the Soviet Union. Should the United States now see the Soviets as an â€Å"evil empire† that threatened to undermine the peace and freedom of an American-led â€Å"free world†? The influential 1946 memo to President Truman said that the Soviets were a global threat to peace. It said that the Soviet Union had a secret plan to conquer the world and spread communism throughout the world. The Soviets refusal to accept American leadership and a global democratic, capitalist community of nations, demonstrated that capitalism and communism could not peacefully co-exist. The Soviet domination of Eastern Europe after World War II and the continuing Soviet military build up was proof that the Soviet Union was threatening global peace and security The Domino Theory: The domino theory was given its specific game and meaning in 1959 by President Dwight D. Elsenhower. He used this theory to refer to the potential spread of communism in Southern-Asia. He specifically said, â€Å"you can have a row of dominoes set up, you knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is the certainty that it will go over very quickly. So you could have a beginning of a disintegration that would have  the most profound influences† The influences that he is talking about were the influences of communism. He believed as many others did that if one country in Southern-Asia fell to communism then all surrounding countries would also. This Theory could be applied to the Soviet Union during 1917 to 1980. In this time the Soviet Union gained power by militarily taking land from other countries. The domino theory was a threat to world peace because every country was afraid of falling to communism. The Southern-Asian areas would be the starting domino and when it falls the rest of the dominoes (counties) would eventually fall with it. The domino theory effected Australia the same way as the rest of the world. They were scared that eventually they would fall under communism. NATO: Fifty years ago on April 4, 1949, twelve countries signed the Treaty of Washington and formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Therewere a total of sixteen countries that signed this treaty. Some of those countries were: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, Australia and the United States. This organization was born out of the need to strengthen the capacity of a war-devastated Europe in order to defend itself against and deter a Soviet Union, which was rapidly consolidating itself under communism and strengthening its military power. NATO wanted to help the world maintain peace due to the Soviet Union’s threat on the non-Communist countries of Western Europe. NATO weren’t a threat to world peace, NATO were the organization that were against communism and wanted world peace. NATO tried to help non-communist countries against the Soviet Unions threats. Australia was a part of NATO organization, which was against communism. So the effect it had on Australia was good. By Australia signing up for NATO it  just influenced what everyone already felt and this was that they didn’t want to be taken over by the Soviet Union and by communism. Communism: Communism was one of the greatest issues during the cold war. The Soviet Union wanted to spread communism through out the world. Communism is a political and economic system in which the state dominates all aspects of the economy. Under communism, the state controls and runs industries and farms, and government leaders control and run all aspects of society in the name of â€Å"the people.† In communist’s countries, the government and elite leaders rule the country, believing that they know what is best for the people and their society. Whereas, in democratic capitalist countries such as the United States, individuals and corporations are free to control their own economic lives and businesses and the people shape and control their government and society. So the Soviet Union spreading communism throughout the globe was a major threat to the United States. Communism was a threat to world peace because no one wanted the government or the state to have complete control over them. People want to have their own lives and their own rights. So if communism took over it would eventually causes a nuclear/world war. Australia was affected by communism badly. Australia was scared to fall under the power of the Soviet Union and by communism. The fear of communism eventually overtaking Australia was initially the main reason for Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War. The Cold War affected Australians in main ways: * Australian forces sent to Malayan emergency – June 1950  to accompany the South Vietnamese into combat. In 1965, Australia’s commitment to the war was stepped up to include combat troops. * Australian forces engaged in Confrontation – March 1965 Confrontation was a small-undeclared war fought between 1962-1966 during which Indonesia sought to destabilise the newly independent Malaysia. After two Indonesian raids on the Malayan peninsula in 1964 the Australian government deployed a battalion in Borneo. Indonesia and Malaysia signed a peace treaty in 1966. So although the Cold War was between the United States and the Soviet Union, Australia was still very much involved. Since Australia was allied with the United States, whatever affected the USA affected Australia.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Capstone 9 Hsm260

Capstone 9 Usha Dillard April 17, 2013 HSM/260 Wanda Rainey-Reed I think it is very important especially if you want to improve the services that are being provided to the clients, no organization wants to have a loss, and every organization wants to have growth, especially when it deals with health sector. So having a proper financial management for the human service organization would give it an edge over other organization in Quality of Service and Net growth per year.Which I think that many HR people are not financially aware and this impacts their decisions, but by then having this knowledge it will give them a competitive advantage. Also as well rounded look at the finance’s which effect developing their personal awareness to operational issues and marketing issues. The knowledge of financial management is essential as the human service professional strives to create a tenable and largely acceptable model that serves the collective benefits of a group or a community that they are trying to reach.Each professional in the organization should have a grasp on budgetary allocations of different facets of societal work like social welfare policy analysis, human services management, community organization, health services etc. The human service professional must know if the funds allocated are judiciously spent on all the wings of the welfare activity. For this the human service professional should work in tandem with the policy makers to see the program is adequately funded and help them devise the plans and explain them the situation at grass root levels.The professional should also ensure that cost-cutting measures are implemented wherever applicable and identify areas that are either surplus/scarcely funded areas and intimate the same to program’s The human service professional decent knowledge in financial management helps them to be a better team player and helps chalk out a chart for better promotion of social welfare activities in their com munities.Example’s why needed: 1. The complexity of client problems appears to be growing, as are expectations that agencies will be accessible, accountable, and better able to document outcomes. 2. Funding limits constrain agency efforts to offer competitive salaries and to fully fund training programs for all staff and board members.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


The blizzard of 1999 struck a majority of the Midwest along with parts of Canada. The biggest areas affected were Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ontario, Quebec, Wisconsin, and Ohio. There was as much as 2 feet of snow in many areas. The blizzard began on January 2, 1999 through January 4, 1999. Chicago was one of the biggest cities impacted by the storm measuring up to 22 inches of snow and rated the 2nd worst blizzard in Chicago by the National Weather Channel. Record temperatures hit a low of below 20 degrees Fahrenheit and up to 50 degrees in some places. This all resulted in airports and train stations being shut down for hours to days.Northwest airlines were down for numerous hours with people stuck on many flights. Many people had things to say about blizzard conditions. People said they started seeing signs of the blizzard on New Year’s Eve of 1998. Weather temperatures were decreasing and snow was beginning to fall. One witness described the condition like driving throu gh a fog of white snow without being able to see an inch in front of him. A man described being stuck on the flight by northwest airlines as being covered in blankets and other peoples clothing just to keep warm and developed frost bite on his nose and toes.A lady described the condition as the worst she’d seen in her 83 years of life living in Chicago. A mother remembers trying to get her child to a local hospital and developing frost bite and flu like symptoms from the amount of snow accumulation on the ground. Many ask how a blizzard like this form does. The blizzard begins when snow is falling and wind is at least 35mph and it reduces visibility up to ? a mile or less. The wind speed and snow fall are the biggest factor in determining blizzard like conditions. A blizzard like this generally forms when cold polar air comes down and mixes with warm and moist air from lower altitudes.It feeds on the dropping temperatures to occur. The overall impact of a blizzard can cost th e lives of others and millions of dollars. The blizzard of 1999 resulted in 73 deaths. The cost of the blizzard was estimated between 300-400 million dollars. Chicago area was the biggest of the relief fund and over 45 counties qualified for federal aid relief. Northwest airlines paid out 7 million dollars to passengers on the flight to compensate for their hours on the flight from the storm. Overall many people, buildings, and companies were impacted in the blizzard of 1999.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Unit G Psychology 101

1. Glucose is: A. the hormone produced by fat cells that signals the hypothalamus, regulating hunger and eating behavior. B. the neurotransmitter that promotes satiation and produces feelings of fullness as you eat. C. also called the â€Å"hunger hormone† because its presence in the lining of the stomach strongly stimulates appetite. *D. also called blood sugar and is the primary source of energy in your body. 2. Which of the following is NOT a valid criticism of Maslow's theory of motivation?A. Maslow's initial studies on self-actualization were based on limited samples and often relied on the life stories of acquaintances, and biographies and autobiographies of historical figures he selected. B. The concept of self-actualization is vague and almost impossible to define in such a way that it could be empirically measured or tested. C. Despite the claim that that self-actualization is an inborn motivational goal, most people do not experience or achieve self-actualization. * D. Because of Maslow's influence, psychology was encouraged to focus on the motivation and development of psychologically healthy people.3. Psychologists define the term _____ as a complex psychological state that involves subjective experience, a physiological response, and a behavioral or expressive response. A. motivation *B. emotion C. self-efficacy D. anthropomorphism4. Which of the following lists the correct seq uence of sleep stages during the first 90 minutes of sleep? * A. stage 1 NREM, stage 2 NREM, stage 3 NREM, stage 4 NREM, REM sleep B. REM sleep, stage 4 NREM, stage 3 NREM, stage 2 NREM, stage 1 NREM C. stage 1 REM, stage 2 REM, stage 3 REM, stage 4 REM, NREM D. wakefulness, drowsiness, dreaming, deep sleep, paradoxical sleep5. Sleep restriction studies have shown that: A. research participants adapted to the four-hour-per-night sleep schedule by the end of the first week and showed no cognitive or physical impairments over the course of the experiments. B. there were some beneficial effects in terms of memory consolidation, reaction time, and immune system functioning. * C. mmune system functioning, concentration, vigilance, reaction time, memory skills, and ability to gauge risk were all diminished. D. there is no evidence to support the notion that REM and NREM sleep deprivation result in REM and NREM rebound effects.6. Sleepwalking and sleep terrors are _______ that tend to occu r in _______. *A. parasomnias; stages 3 and 4 NREM sleep B. parasomnias; REM sleep C. dyssomnias; stages 1 and 2 NREM sleep D. dyssomnias; REM sleep7. Which of the following is an example of a parasomnia? A. insomnia B. narcolepsy C. obstructive sleep apnea *D. leep-related eating disorder (SRED)8. Scientists found that diminished levels of a special class of neurotransmitter called hypocretins, which are produced by neurons in the hypothalamus, have been implicated in a sleep disorder called _______. * A. narcolepsy B. obstructive sleep apnea C. sexsomnia D. somnambulism9. Heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, alcohol, and nicotine are all addictive drugs that increase levels of which neurotransmitter in the brain? A. serotonin B. melatonin C. norepinephrine * D. dopamine10. Caffeine: * A. is the most widely used psychoactive drug in the world. B. gets its stimulant effect by promoting the release of adenosine in the brian's prefrontal cortex. C. gets its stimulant effect by blocking the reuptake of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. D. is the most widely used non-physically addictive drug in the world.11. Which of the following is a derivative of opium? A. mescaline B. Oxycontin C. psilocybin * D. codeine12. According to _____ theories of motivation, behavior is motivated by the desire to reduce internal tension caused by unmet biological needs. A. incentive * B. drive C. humanistic D. instinct13. According to the _____ theory of emotion, your subjective emotional experience is the direct result of physical changes in your body. *A. James-Lange B. cognitive-appraisal C. self-determination D. Schachter-Singer two-factor14. Happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise comprise the list that Paul Ekman calls: A. the facial code. B. facial movements. C. the primary code. * D. primary affects.15. When people mask an emotion: A. it is impossible to detect their true emotion. *B. the true emotion flashes on their face before they compose their face. C. the true emotion can be read in their eyes. D. their facial muscles always twitch.16. How do Psychoactive drugs work? -once in our bloodstream, psychoactive drugs influence our behavior by altering the functioning of the central nervous system in some way.17. What is anger? What features does anger share with other emotions? – Anger is â€Å"an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage,† Like other emotions, it is accompanied by physiological and biological changes; when you get angry, your heart rate and blood pressure go up, as do the levels of your energy hormones, adrenaline, and noradrenaline.18. Define dyssomnia- A general term used to describe any sleeping condition where a person has trouble either getting to sleep or staying asleep.19. Define parasomnia- A category of sleep disorders in which abnormal events occur during sleep, such as sleepwalking or talking; due to inappropriately timed activation of physiological sy stems.20. Define hypnosis- An artificially induced trance state resembling sleep, characterized by heightened susceptibility to suggestion.

Prone Positioning On Critically Ill Health And Social Care Essay

In my nursing experience, I have worked in both the neonatal intensive attention unit ( NICU ) and the paediatric intensive attention unit ( PICU ) . When I worked in the NICU, our babies were positioned prone ( face down ) for comfort grounds for the bulk of a 24 hr period. Our neonatologists seldom used sedation or trouble direction resources for our automatically ventilated patients. In the PICU I presently work in, all of our automatically ventilated patients are given uninterrupted medicines for both sedation and hurting, nevertheless prone placement is about ne'er used. When I have positioned patients prone in the past, most nurses look cross-eyed at me as though I have done something incorrect. Past research has suggested that prone placement is a curative manoeuvre that improves oxygenation in both paediatric and big patient populations ( Curley et al. , 2006 ) . However, some clinical tests in both paediatric and big populations have demonstrated that there is no betterment in clinical results for the patient ( Curley et al. , 2006 ) . In other surveies, when a patient is placed in the prone place, it has been shown that there is an increased in terminal expiratory lung volume and improved ventilator-perfusion fiting taking to better oxygenation ( Gattinoni et al. , 2001 ) . As you can see, there is assorted informations from many surveies proposing prone positioning leads to break clinical results for patients. Besides, as I was researching, I truly could n't happen a survey or literature that was new within the last 5 old ages. There is a current demand for updated research surveies and information. Hopefully I can carry through and add to the research with my proposed survey.Purpose, Aims, and HypothesissThe intent of this research survey would be to bring forth informations to assist infirmaries develop a policy, process and protocol for prone placement in critically sick, paediatric patients. The informations collected from this survey can add to the literature and hopefully convey current evidence-based pattern to PICUs across the state. Harmonizing to Polit & A ; Beck ( 2008 ) , purposes can be defined as the particular accomplishments a research worker would trust to accomplish by carry oning a research survey. My proposed survey has two specific research purposes.Aim 1To prove the effectivity of prone placement in automatically ventilated, critically sick paediatric patients, related to betterments in oxygenation.Aim 2To analyze techniques in airway direction of a automatically ventilated, critically sick paediatric patient, to find the safest nursing pattern in prone placement.HypothesissFor Aim 1, the hypothesis is that paediatric patients, who are critically sick and automatically ventilated, will hold better positive clinical results related to betterment in oxygenation in prone placement than in supine placement. The void hypothesis is that there is no difference in prone or supine placement in patient clinical results. For Aim 2, the hypothesis is that there will be safe techniques in airway direction in prone placement for the automatically ventilated, critically sick paediatric patient. The void hypothesis is that there is no safe technique in airway direction in the prone place based on continued, critical inauspicious events.BackgroundThe reappraisal of literature on the effects of prone placement in automatically ventilated patients has mixed ideas. Surveies conducted by Dr. Martha Curley and her research squad from Boston Children ‘s Hospital have refuted and so accepted the usage of prone placement in automatically ventilated, critically sick paediatric patients. Curley et Al. ( 2000 ) researched the physiologic alterations of automatically ventilated paediatric patients and evaluated the safety of prone placement who experienced acute lung hurt. The information was collected from a single-center prospective instance series from October 1997 to March 1999. The sample was 25 paediatric patients with bilateral paranchymal disease necessitating mechanical airing with a partial force per unit area of arterial oxygenation ( PaO2 ) to the fraction of divine O ( FiO2 ) ratio of less than or equal to 300 millimetres of quicksilver ( mm Hg ) ( Curley et al. , 2000 ) . The patient ‘s ages ranged from 2 months to 17 old ages. The participants were placed prone for 20 hours a twenty-four hours â€Å" until clinical betterment or decease occurred † ( Curely et al. , 2000, p. 156 ) . After run intoing eligible standards, informations collected consisted of arterial blood gases, critical marks ( temperature, bosom rate and arterial blood force per unit area, and cardinal venous force per unit area. Ventilator scenes and the figure of staff utilized and the clip it took to turn a patient were besides collected. The research workers besides collected informations on the medicine profile, particularly comfort medicines such as morphia and diazepam, and assessed force per unit area ulcers and presenting. â€Å" Features of the survey population are expressed as frequences, mean ( +/- SEM ) , or average with interquartile scopes ( IRQs ; 25th and 75th percentile ) † ( Curley et al. , 2000, p. 158 ) . The survey revealed that when prone place informations measurings were compared to the patient ‘s supine measurings, there were immediate and cumulative betterments in oxygenation ( Curley et al. , 2000, p. 161 ) . The research workers conclude that their survey suggests informations that prone placement is both safe and effectual in paediatric patients with ALI. Dr. Curley and her co-workers believe that this survey provides a foundation for a hereafter randomized survey to look into early and repeated prone placement for this paediatric population. Dr. Curley and her co-workers took on a prospective, multi-center randomized survey from August 2001 to April 2004. The hypothesis of this survey was that kids with ague lung hurt treated with prone positioning would hold more ventilator-free yearss than those treated with supine placement. Patients were included if they were age 2 hebdomads to 18 old ages old, intubated and automatically ventilated with a ratio of a PaO2 to FiO2 of 300 or less, bilateral pneumonic infiltrates, and no clinical grounds of left atrial high blood pressure ( Curley et al. , 2005 ) . Exclusion standards included patients less than 2 hebdomads of age, less than 42 hebdomads post conceptual age, had relentless hypotension or intellectual high blood pressure, cardiac related respiratory failure, and a figure of other medical conditions listed by the writers in their article. Of 8017 patients screened, merely a sum of 102 participants were included in the survey. A information and safety supervising board stopped the test at the interim analysis based on the futility fillet regulation. Ninety-four patients had completes the 28-day survey period. Of these 94, 47 were in each of the groups. After statistical analysis had been done, it was determined that if the survey had reached the planned registration of 180 patients, the chance of showing a difference in ventilator-free yearss between intervention groups was less than one per centum ( Curley et al. , 2005, p. 232 ) . The survey found that there was no statistically important difference of ventilator-free yearss between supine and prone placement in paediatric patients with acute lung hurt. Dr. Curley and her co-workers do non back up the continued usage of prone placement of paediatric patients as a curative intercession to better results in acute lung hurt ( Curley et al. , 2005, p. 236 ) . This province counters the research decisions drawn from Curley et Al. ( 2000 ) . Interestingly, Dr. Curley continued her research by executing a secondary analysis on this information collected in 2006. The intent of this secondary analysis was to depict the effects of prone positioning on airway direction, mechanical airing, enteric nutrition, hurting and sedation direction and staff use in paediatric patients with acute lung hurt ( Curley et al. , 2006 ) . The research workers suggest that their informations really shows that prone placement can be accomplished safely in critically sick paediatric patients. The research workers besides province that they believe patients can be safely assess and managed piece maintained in the prone place for drawn-out periods of clip, every bit long as 20 back-to-back hours ( Curley et al. , 2006, p. 417 ) . In this article on secondary analysis performed by Dr. Curley and her co-workers ( 2006 ) , they province that prone placement should go on to be used in critically sick kids as a enlisting manoeuvre in acute lung hurt to better oxygenation, lessening force per unit area wounds, and decreased bronchopulmonary compaction. These research workers besides province that this is the first survey to clearly show that prone placement can be accomplished safely. After researching prone placement in critically sick, automatically ventilated paediatric patients, I wholeheartedly agree. I believe that this is why these surveies could be replicated to assist formalize the protocols developed by Dr. Curley and her co-workers.SignificanceThe significance of a research survey on prone placement in paediatric patients is overpowering. In my ain personal experience, there has ne'er been grounds presented to my nursing co-workers or myself on whether prone placement is really safe and effectual. As ant ecedently stated, in reexamining the literature, there are really few clinical surveies that would be considered good mentions as true province of the art, evidence-based nursing pattern. In fact, I can non believe that merely Dr. Martha Curley has taken this undertaking on for the paediatric population. This proposed survey will be able to place the effectivity of prone positioning on improved oxygenation in a automatically ventilated paediatric patient. From survey informations aggregation, techniques in safe air passage direction could assist ease the usage of prone placement in paediatric patients of all ages and sizes and possibly advance more positive clinical results. In my survey, I hope to retroflex Dr. Curley ‘s methods utilizing her protocols, with some minor tweaking. This proposed survey should add to the organic structure of literature. The significance of this survey could assist formalize Dr. Curley ‘s protocols from her past surveies and besides assist make a criterion of pattern for prone placement.Research MethodsSample, Setting and RecruitmentThe mark population to be studied would be critically sick, paediatric patients runing from ages 2 hebdomads to 18 old ages of age. Inclusion standards will besides include patients with acute respiratory hurt necessitating cannulation and mechanical airing. Exclusion standards will be patients with respiratory hurt or failure of cardiac nature. Patients will besides be excluded if they have spinal instability or hold had abdominal surgery, as it would non be safe for these patients to be prone positioned. Patients with tracheotomies will be excluded. I would trust to include patients on conventional airing and high frequence hovering airing. Patients will be excluded if they weigh over 200 lbs, as the protocol will merely utilize three staff members to turn the patient, and this may be insecure in a patient of this size. The survey participants will be recruited from paediatric intensive attention units from infirmary centres willing to take part. In day-to-day unit of ammunitions, we would allow the paediatric critical attention doctors determine if the patient ‘s medical position was stable plenty to be eligible for survey standard. Randomization of patients will be done between prone placement and supine placement by utilizing a consecutive figure system. Centers will be provided envelopes with cards denominating between prone and supine placement and assign as each new participant is eligible. A sample size that would mirror Dr. Curley ‘s would be ideal. I hope to obtain at least 100 participants, but purpose for 200 participants. With 200 participants, the hope is to duplicate the original sample size, duplicate the figure of prone-to-supine and supine-to-prone bends, and increase the cogency of the research.Data Collection and InstrumentationFor my research survey, I hope to develop a systematic extension reproduction of the old surveies done by Dr. Curley and her research squad ( Curley et al. , 2000 ; Curley et al. , 2005 ; Curley et al. , 2006 ) . Dr. Curley and her co-workers ( 2006 ) developed a prone placement protocol for bedside nurses to follow in respects to analyze participants. The protocol is attached in Appendix1, nevertheless a brief drumhead is provided to assist assistance in the shaping of informations aggregation and instrumentality. When a patient has been met standards and is designated as eligible for the survey, informations will be collected based on the Pediatric Risk for Mortality III ( PRISM III ) ( Pollack et al. , 1997 ) . Demographics such as age, race, and ethnicity will be categorized. An anteroposterior thorax radiogram, in the supine place, should be obtained to document and guarantee that the endotracheal tubing ( ETT ) is positioned decently in the deep windpipe. The security of the ETT shall be assessed every bit good, based on the establishments current protocols. The size of the ETT, whether it is cuffed or uncuffed, and arrangement shall be paperss as Ten centimetres ( centimeter ) at the gum, as in â€Å" the patient has a 4.5 cuffed ETT, taped firmly at 12 centimeter at the gum † . The turnup of an ETT should be inflated with the minimum leak technique: inflate turnup until an air leak is ascultated at end-inspiration while maintain turnup force per unit area & gt ; 25 millimeter Hg ( Curley et al. , 2006, p. 420 ) . Security of the ETT and arrangement at the gum will be documented after each bend from the supine-to-prone and prone-to-supine placement every bit good as every 4 hours while in the prone place. The nurse or respiratory healer will doc ument whether or non the patient had a nonelective extubation during the bend. In respects to soothe and clamber unity, the patient ‘s should hold separately sized caput, thorax, pelvic, and leg shock absorbers to place the patients while prone ( Curley et al. , 2006, p. 419 ) . The end is to hold the patient positioned prone, with their shoulders, hips and lower limbs supported while their venters has room to stick out ( towards the bed ) and custodies can be tucked under the venters. The existent shock absorber will be difficult to set up, as every infirmary uses different positioning devices, nevertheless, I will offer the thoughts of slackly rolled covers or the Eggcrate stuff cut to the appropriate size. It will be documented if the patient has developed a force per unit area ulcer, and the ulcer will be staged harmonizing to National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel ‘s ( NPUAP ) description. The NPUAP ( 2007 ) established four phases of force per unit area ulcers. The first phase includes force per unit area sores that include non-blanchable inflammation, with integral tegument, normally over a cadaverous prominence. Phase two includes shoal, unfastened ulcers with a ruddy or pink pigmentation, without sheding of the tegument. Stage three ulcers include a full thickness tissue loss. Hypodermic fat is normally seeable at this phase and shedding may be present. In a phase four ulcer, the ulcer is stage three with seeable bone, musculus or sinew. A patient will stay positioned prone for 20 hours of the twenty-four hours and supine for 4 hours a twenty-four hours. The length of clip a patient is prone and supine will be recorded. Ongoing measurement will be done on all organic structure systems, including pneumonic and circulatory. Arterial blood gases will be obtained 1 hr prior to a patient being positioned prone and 1 hr after the patient has been prone. To maximise safety, staff will use bedside nurses and respiratory healers during chances for turning. The respiratory healer should be responsible for the unity of the tubing and turning the patients head, bedside nurse 1 shall be responsible for the turning of the shoulders, thorax and weaponries, and beside nurse 3 shall be responsible for the turning of the hips and legs. The prone positioning protocol that is attached as Appendix 1 which will be at the bedside of every patient for the nurses and respiratory healers to follow consequently.Datas AnalysisHarmonizing to Polit & A ; Beck ( 2008 ) , there are two wide categories of statistical trials, parametric and nonparametric. Parametric trials normally involve the appraisal of parametric quantities, require measurings on an interval graduated table, and presume that the variables for distributed usually for a population. These trials are frequently considered the most power and are normally preferred by research workers ( Polit & A ; Beck, 2008, p. 591 ) . Nonparametric trials do non gauge parametric quantities, normally used when the sample size is little or the information is considered non-normal. Figure 22.5 in Polit & A ; Beck ( 2008, p. 592 ) is a speedy mention for choosing bivariate statistical trials. Harmonizing to Polit & A ; Beck ( 2008 ) , the Fisher ‘s exact trial will be used to prove the significance of the differences in the two interventions ( Polit & A ; Beck, 2008, p. 601 ) . Fisher ‘s exact trial or x2 trial will be used to compare prone and supine groups in their baseline features and results that will be calculated on an single patient footing. Based on the categorical informations, such as the oxygenation of the patient, related to the arterial blood gases, I think a Fisher ‘s exact trial will be the best trial. The accidental extubation rate during bends will be calculated utilizing an exact binomial trial for comparing the rates of two Poisson procedures. For prone patients, Wald ‘s statistic, distributed as a qi square, will be calculated based on results evaluated after alterations in placement. The figure of staff utilized and the length of clip involved in the place turns will be analyzed utilizing signed rank trials such as a Wilcoxon rank trial. Once all information has been collected, synthesized and analyzed, the research will be drafted into a manuscript and submitted to the Pediatric Critical Care diary. Before the survey begins, it will be reviewed, and hopefully approved, by the IRB. Before a patient becomes a participant of the survey, written informed consent will be obtained from a parent or legal defender. Both female and male patients will be utilized, and the exclusion standard is entirely based on patient safety. The participants will be allocated to the prone and supine placement groups reasonably by utilizing random assignment. Complete decrease of prejudice can non be established because it will be impossible for the clinicians to non cognize whether or non their patient is positioned prone or supine. With the assorted placement protocols and adjustments with pressure-reducing stuffs, I hope to diminish the incidence of compromised tegument unity and uncomfortableness. This survey does non object, and encourages the usage of sedation and hurting medicines while the participants are automatically ventilated.